BitWorks West Visits Joe Cocker's Ranch
As some of you may know, our marketing director for the western US resides in beautiful Durango, Colorado. That would be my sister Julie. She just sent me this note:
I just returned from this little town called Hotchkiss here in Colorado. Believe it or not, the famous musician, Joe Cocker, lives on a ranch in an even smaller town right near there called Crawford. So, he put on a show at the little fairgrounds in Hotchkiss as a benefit for his children's foundation. It was cool.
One fun memory I have of Joe Cocker dates back to when I was in graduate school, studying robotics. We visited University of Utah's robotics lab on a trip years ago. U. of U. was known for its work on the Disney animatronics robots. In the lab, they had a robot without skin--all the guts exposed--who was singing and dancing to a Joe Cocker song. So, if you're ever at a Joe Cocker concert, make sure it's not the robot.
Anyway, Julie also mentioned that she enjoyed dancing with Jeff from Aspen, so Jeff, if you happen to be reading this, you should drop Julie an email: julie at bitworksmusic dot com.
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